Enlightenment Deep Dive

This deep dive describes what is enlightenment and how to experience it. It’s not for the faint of heart. It explains how reality works and you may not be ready for it.

Full credit goes to the great “John’s Practical Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment V 3.0” which is located here. I’ve left all his words. I’ve only reformatted it to make it more readable, taking great care to keep the nuanced meaning in tact.

And much thanks goes to Leo at actualized.org. He tirelessly helps mankind grow and evolve.

Don’t believe any of this. Investigate and experience it yourself.

No Self Summary

The no-self view is inherently correct, sentient beings which are separate from the universe do not exist, only the raw universe exists

Right now, you believe that you are a sentient being located at, “the point somewhere back there behind the eyes between the ears” where external perceptions converge. This is what you have been told your whole life, this is what someone tells you as they vaguely wave their hand at their head, vaguely describing that you are “back there somewhere inside the skull”. “You” are told that what “you” is, is the point “back there” in your brain where perceptions CONVERGE. You believe that “you” are the “entity” which these perceptions belong TO. 

In reality, that “entity” who is “witnessing” the perceptions does not actually exist, there are just perceptions existing, an act that does not BELONG to anyone, and that no one is DOING. The universe is creating consciousness experience bubbles (which are objects, not subjects), that don’t belong to any “human” or “sentient being”. The brain does not belong to anyone, the body does not belong to anyone, the thoughts do not belong to anyone, the sensations do not belong to anyone, and the experiences do not belong to anyone, making everything that is happening “impersonal”. 

The universe is doing everything on its own without the help of a “you”, and there is no one who is in control of anything that’s happening, including “his/her” own decisions.  Even if you believe that the brain produces consciousness (even though it doesn’t), there are still no contradictions, it would just mean that the brain is thinking, feeling, sensing, and perceiving all on its own, without a “you” involved anywhere in the equation, doing the thinking, feeling, sensing, and perceiving almost like the brain has a “mind of its own” without “someone” inside of, or in CONTROL of the brain. 

Upon realizing this, the false “you” (the entity you believe is inhabiting the body), disappears from inside the body & brain which leaves nothing but the entire room you are sitting in as well as the body, so that the only thing that is left is the raw conscious universe, not a “point” inside the brain. You realize that what you actually are is this entire circular bubble of perceptions surrounding you right now, the entire room you are sitting in, or the dome that your body is always in the middle of. 

Look around you right now, and you can see that wherever you look, your body is always trapped inside of this visual field bubble, almost like you are always inside of a Christmas ornament, and always in the center of it. What you actually are is this entire bubble that the body is sitting in, not just the body. You are the entire room you are sitting in. That is the BIG self that you are. 

The most important part to understand however, is that this bubble is not a “sentient BEING”. This bubble is not a SUBJECT. It is an OBJECT. It does not belong to a “you”, a “sentient being”, or any sort of “perceiver.” It exists without belonging to anyone. This is what extremely advanced practitioners of yoga, meditation, or psychedelics realize at their peak experience, that they aren’t localized inside the body. 

This truth still works even if you believe that the brain produces consciousness/that the convergence of perceptions is localized inside the brain, it would just mean that “YOU” are not localized inside of the brain. Just because a convergence of perceptions occurs inside the brain, does not mean that there is a “YOU” at the point where this convergence happens.

If you still believe that “you” are the brain, think about this. Any portion of the brain can be damaged or removed, although still keeping the body alive. Many people have had surgical procedures where half of their brain is removed, and still function as normal, for the most part. So this “point” where every sensation merges to, where is it? It cannot be located in a “specific” place, if the person may stay alive and coherent, even with any little or big section of their brain removed. Is it just generalized all over the brain? And when parts are removed or damaged, it moves to other parts of the brain? Sort of like a “block chain” server? In this case, the point would have to move around on its own, sort of like a little mini “soul” or “spirit” that is just localized inside the brain. No, that sounds like pseudoscience, and considering you are a materialist that believes that consciousness is produced in the brain, you DEFINITELY don’t want to say that. Maybe we should ditch the whole idea that “you” are the brain all together?

Nevertheless, you still believe that there is a “you”, and you have to figure out what is actually HAPPENING there when “you” imagine “you”. What usually happens when “you ” think of “you”, is that an image of the face pops up in the mind, the body is felt, and the word “me” is said as a thought. So, is there actually a REAL honest to goodness objective “you” happening there? No! 

There is only a “floating” mental image of a face, a “floating” thought sound of the word “ME”, and a FEELING of a body. (That sentence right there is the most important KEY to this work.) Those are only thoughts and feelings floating around the empty universe. Imagine an empty universe where there were no sentient beings of any kind, however there were just free floating thoughts, emotions, bodies, and sensations just floating around in a vacuum. That is EXACTLY the case of what is happening here and now! 

But someone might object and say, “John, there cannot just be thoughts, emotions, bodies, and sensations just floating around in a vacuum, someone has to be perceiving them!” But this is where idealism comes into play. No one HAS to be perceiving these things if they are MADE OUT OF CONSCIOUSNESS. Consciousness is not a property that only “sentient beings” have. Consciousness is a MATERIAL. It is what everything is made out of.

You know how we say the most fundamental material that matter is made out of is atoms? Well, it’s not. The most fundamental material is actually consciousness. Traditionally, we are taught that there are sentient beings, such as humans, cats, dogs, and apes, and that there are also non-sentient beings, such as rocks, trees, cars, and houses. However, this is not the case. All there exists are bubbles made out of consciousness, floating around and hallucinating anything they want. These bubbles again are not subjects, they are objects.

And when you finally grasp this after many months or a few years where all of the sudden you get the physical feeling of “you” disappearing from the body, just know that all that is happening there is that the concept of a “you” is going away, a concept built and reinforced over the years. 

Congratulations! You have just successfully REINTERPRETED YOURSELF OUT OF EXISTENCE. It’s going to be scary as hell, and afterwards you will not be here anymore, and you are going to be dead. The body will be intact, but “you” will be dead. Which at the same time means that you can never die. You can never cease to exist. Because if you were somehow able to “cease to exist”, an experience of “ceasing to exist”, or “nothingness” would still have to occur, so therefore by definition, there always needs to be existence. 

Think about a couple who are about to conceive a baby. Technically, the baby is “dead”, because it has not been born yet. So you could think of the baby as “dead, existing unconsciously in this void”. However, right before the point of conception, the parents decide NOT to conceive. Does this mean that this baby has been and forever will be dead? Always experiencing “nothing” forever, at no point ever experiencing life? Or that there are an INFINITE amount of “dead” beings at one moment experiencing nothing, waiting in a void to never be born? Or was the baby/those “dead” people only ever just a concept in our minds, the only place it ever existed. This is why “non-existence” is impossible. Ahh, now I understand why non-existence is called non-existence: because it doesn’t exist!

This may be difficult to grasp, especially if you believe that the world is material, and you must have an open mind to be able to see that it is not. Many examples point to how the word is not physical. For example, the mind-body problem. When you look at an object, such as your hand, you are taught that you “project” consciousness onto the object, and that light travels from the hand, into your eyes, down the optic nerve, into the brain, lighting up the visual cortex, at which this point a “mental image” of a hand “occurs” in the brain. 

However, it has never been discovered even in the slightest fashion how “dumb, dead” physical matter (otherwise known as the atoms of the brain) can give rise to mental phenomena, such as thoughts, sounds, colors, feelings, emotions, etc. Matter cannot produce consciousness. In order to solve the mind-body problem, you must remove any “physical matter” from the occasion, and realize that only consciousness exists.

Another thought experiment to think about is to imagine being a caveman at the dawn of human existence. You were not brainwashed yet with the idea that perceptions converge at a point in the brain, because that idea had not been invented yet. When you look at the hand, would you have the experience of, “perceptions coming FROM matter, and going THROUGH the eyes, INTO the brain, creating a separate mental IMAGE”? DO you really experience TWO versions of the hand, one being the “matter” that no one can experience (because everyone can only experience life through their own veil of “perception”), and the second being an IMAGE in the mind? No! When you look at the hand, there is only one thing going on, and that is the “object” of the hand, made out of consciousness. Not “coming” from anywhere (“physical” matter), and not going TO anywhere (the “mental image). Do this experiment right now, and really try it on your own hand.

Guided Contemplation Exercise

“You” is not a physical sentient being. “You” is an idea which thoughts, that do not belong to anyone, are having.

Right now after reading that

sentence, THOSE thoughts (not “you”, but the thoughts), are going, “what about ME? I certainly exist, right?”

That’s what the thoughts that do not BELONG to anyone are thinking.

But now the thoughts are going “so what about ME though? aren’t “I” the one who’s thinking those thoughts?”

But what is announcing that? The thoughts are! Not a “You”! The thoughts (that don’t belong to anyone, the ones just existing in space), are thinking about/imagining a subject called a “YOU”. Not the other way around.

What’s happening here is that the THOUGHTS that do not BELONG to anyone, the ones INDEPENDENT which have a mind of their own are floating around in space are thinking about a “subject” called a “ME”. “I” am not thinking these thoughts, but these thoughts that don’t BELONG to anyone are thinking about an IDEA of a “subject” called a “me” that doesn’t exist.

When I say the thoughts are “thinking”, I do not mean that the thoughts are “sentient beings”. I mean that the thoughts are just dialogue happening. The sentences being strung by them are just ‘glowing” with consciousness. We call this glowing, “being”.

So who is thinking the thoughts then? No one!

“You” can’t be thinking the thoughts, if the idea of “you” is something that the thoughts are coming up with. The thoughts are doing “you”, not the other way around.

Show me where the “you” is. You can’t. The only place the “you” exists is as a thought. Which means there is no you, there are only “thoughts” of the IDEA of a “you” that the raw universe is having. The thought can’t be “yours” if the idea of “you” is a PRODUCT of the thought.

If “you” are looking for the “you” and the image of the face or the body comes to mind, the thoughts go, “ok so THAT’S ‘me’.” Notice however how that’s not “you’, that is just an image of a face or body. Again, YOU are not thinking of a “you”, the THOUGHTS are thinking of a “You”.

When “you” think of “you”, what is occurring there? There is an image in the mind of the body and/or the face, there is a thought that says “me”, and there is a feeling in the body. Look at that closely. Is there a “you” anywhere there? No! There is only a body sensation, a mental image, and a thought that says the word “me”! There IS NO “YOU” ANYWHERE.

This makes way more sense than the normal idea of a “sentient being” inside the body, a sentient being which is described vaguely as, “back there behind the eyes between the ears somewhere” which no one has ever been able to locate for thousands of years, or will EVER will be able to locate.

These are things I have verified for myself through empirical metaphysical contemplation. Unlike religion, I am not asking you to “adopt my belief system” or “take my word for it”, these are things you can verify in your direct experience by yourself.

What is the Universe/No Self?

Imagine a dream that no one is having. It’s a conscious dream but there is no SUBJECT which is having the dream, it’s just floating around the vacuum of empty space.

Except this dream is not happening any WHERE or any WHEN, because “when” and “where” are things that this dream CREATED. They are contents WITHIN the dream.

This dream has no boundaries or no form whatsoever. Because of this, it can never die. The dream is made of pure consciousness, devoid of any qualities such as colors, shapes, sights, smells, thoughts, or other sensations.

This impersonal dream, or field of consciousness is imagining humans and other sentient beings. This means that “sentient beings” don’t actually exist, and the only thing that is actually real is this impersonal dream which no one is having, otherwise known as god. God is not a “he” but an “it”.

People realize this on psychedelics when they destroy the concept of themselves and realize that THEY don’t exist, only the dream exists.

Since this dream can never die, it sits there as nothingness for eternity, and because of this it starts hallucinating things such as objects, thoughts, bodies, subjects, sounds, and other sensations for all of eternity.

What created this dream you ask? Good question. Where did this dream COME from?

We think of everything as needing to have a cause and effect, this is a law of “physics.” However, this bubble IMAGINED laws of physics, and it IMAGINED the rule that a linear cause and effect is necessary, and that paradoxes are impossible.

Think about a time travel sci-fi movie where a protagonist in a movie goes back in time and has sex with his mother, who then gives birth to himself. That is what the universe did to create itself.

In this infinite dream, paradoxes or strange loops are no longer BUGS or PROBLEMS, they are now FEATURES.

NO SELF Visualization Exercise

Imagine your body sits in a chair and the heart stops, and the body dies.

However, instead of you ceasing to exist and everything turning “black”, the images still remain of the room that the body is sitting in.

But what DOES stop existing is this IDEA in the mind that there is a sentient being inhabiting the body, living “somewhere back there behind the eyes between the ears”, a subject which all of the sensations are belonging TO (the body, thoughts, sights, emotions, etc.)

All there is is an empty room with a dead body in it, PERIOD. but the perceptions of the rooms still exist.

There is no “Soul” or ghostly “subject” anywhere, just strictly the image of the room.

Remind you, you don’t believe that you are the body or brain, you believe that what “you” is is the subject who the brain belongs TO, the body belongs TO, a POINT in space which perceptions CONVERGE.

So YOU the “subject/sentient being” is now gone, annihilated out of existence, and all there is is a dead body and perceptions in an empty room but it is all still existing as IMPERSONAL consciousness not BELONGING to a “subject” anymore.

This body is no longer “yours”. This brain is no longer “yours.” The thoughts are no longer “yours.” The idea that there was a thing called a “you” that was experiencing all of those things was nothing but a concept.

That idea of a “you” experiencing those things was just something that impersonal, “consciousness” was creating.

Another way to say this is that this consciousness is using the body as a puppet.

Look objectively at the facts right now. There is a brain, body, thoughts, emotions, sensations, but the idea that they are all “converging at a point” is false. Show me the evidence that they are converging at a point. You can’t. There is a mind existing, but it doesn’t belong to anyone.

For example, if there is a thought in THAT mind right now is thinking “I am having a thought.” But look, that false illusion of a self just happened right now: there is no YOU which is HAVING a thought. The thought just EXISTS in empty space.

The thought “I am having a thought” is just a thought existing and nothing else. There is no one HAVING this thought. The idea that someone is HAVING the thought is just content within a thought, not objective “reality.”

Another way to describe this is imagine someone ripped out your brain & eyes and burned them, so your were “dead”, but the dead body with the hollowed skull could still walk around, the head could turn and look at things, there would still be images being rendered of that bodies surroundings, these images just wouldn’t be PERCEIVED by anybody. There wouldn’t be a “soul” in the body or any “subject” of any kind, just the dead body.

And here is why enlightenment is so terrifying. Imagine that after you awaken, all there is left in the field of awareness is just a walking dead body, without an owner, and “you” are completely dead. Still sound fun?

Or imagine if your body got vaporized in an explosion, but the perceptions you had of the room still remain, with no thoughts or bodily feelings. The ONLY THING LEFT was the image of the room without anyone LOOKING at it.

You can discover this with mediation, or contemplation such as I did, and commit many hours a week for years to reinterpreting the idea of “you” out of existence.

Or you can do this all within 15 minutes by taking 5-MeO-DMT.


I will go as far as saying there is no way I am wrong. 

At some point with skepticism you have to bite the bullet and realize that when ALL arrows point to one position being right with no flaws in the argument, a position which ties up all loose ends CONCLUSIVELY, as opposed to the other argument that will always have many unanswered questions that will remain unanswered forever, you have to admit that the former is the truthful one. 

It is impossible for there to be a self. There is only a thought of the self. Words and images. It’s blatantly obvious. There is no ROOM for the possibility of otherwise. This is the objective truth. This answers ALL questions in philosophy that no one has ever been able to figure out.

You are not looking to find a “logical conclusion” or answer to this problem. You know the contemplation worked when the SHIFT happens while contemplating this stuff, and you start to get the panicked FEELING of your heart starting to beat fast and you starting to FEEL yourself disappear out of existence.

Leo's Spiritual Enlightenment Videos

Spiritual Enlightenment Videos (Watch in this order): 

  • Spiritual Enlightenment – The Most SHOCKING Truth You’ll Ever Hear
  • What To Do Next After Learning About Enlightenment
  • Spiritual Enlightenment – Part 2 – Understanding The Conceptualized Self
  • How To Become Enlightened – The Exact Step By Step Process Revealed!
  • What Is Consciousness? – All Questions Answered
  • What Is Perception? – The Metaphysics Of Perception
  • The Enlightened Self – A Description Of Your Existential Nature

This is the order you should watch these videos, the ones that helped me the most. Important: before you even START the contemplation, you are going to need to watch all of these videos many times over just to get the slightest grasp of understanding of what he is even talking about, because it is all so much at one time it takes effort to even understand what he is trying to explain.

After you watch them all multiple times, choose the one video that you think has the best chance at cracking open your mind, and stick at that one for a while with the contemplation. You can jump around from video to video, I have found that the easiest way to contemplate is to listen to the video and pause it at points where you think you might have a climax at understanding what he is saying, and think about it hard. We are trying to crack your mind open here.

In Leo’s episode: “How To Become Enlightened – The Exact Step By Step Process Revealed! At precisely 33:19, he talks about the distinction between “thinking” vs. “looking”. This is the most important, and is the difference between waking up in 2-3 years vs. 40 years.

I will keep this whole document as a shared doc so I can edit it as I please wherever I want to help you and anyone else out by adding more info that I think of in the future which might be useful for you. However, keep most of your contemplation to this document, for it has a better description of the videos.

Look over this document long and hard. Pause while you read, and think long and hard until portions start to click. Study this document for weeks, months, years. And THINK HARD.And when enough portions click for you, the flood gates to the dam of enlightenment will collapse, and then congratulations. You will have successfully killed yourself.