Wim Hof

“Wim Hof (born 20 April 1959), also known as The Iceman, is a Dutch motivational speaker and extreme athlete noted for his ability to withstand low temperatures. He previously held a Guinness World Record for swimming under ice and prolonged full-body contact with ice, and he holds a record for a barefoot half marathon on […]


Ayahuasca, a South American psychoactive brew, has traditionally been used for spiritual ceremonies and healing by Indigenous cultures in the Amazon and Orinoco basins. Initially limited to Peru, Brazil, Colombia, and Ecuador, its use spread across Brazil by the mid-20th century with the rise of syncretic religions like Santo Daime and União do Vegetal, which […]


Hapé, or Rapé, is a powdered medicinal herb blend, often tobacco-based, used for its stimulating effects. It’s made primarily with mapacho, providing an intense, alert sensation. Administered through the nose, its effects are rapid and potent. This practice dates back to pre-Columbian times and was first noted among Brazilian indigenous tribes.


Sananga is a medication used by tribes native to the Amazon. It is turned into a drop that is administered directly to the eyes. While it can improve vision at night, which is helpful for hunters, the compound has also been used in religious ceremonies. The compound is frequently used prior to ceremonies with Ayahuasca […]


Kambo, derived from the secretions of the giant monkey tree frog, is a traditional South American medicine used in cleansing rituals. The ritual involves applying the substance to small burns on the skin, inducing an intense purging effect. Advocates believe kambo can aid in healing trauma, depression, and anxiety, and enhance spiritual connection. However, its […]

Timothy Leary

Timothy Leary, an American psychologist born in 1920, gained fame in the 1960s for advocating psychedelic drugs like LSD, especially during his tenure as a Harvard University professor. He believed psychedelics could profoundly alter consciousness, coining the phrase “Turn on, tune in, drop out.” His work made him a key figure in the counterculture movement […]

Steven Norquist

In 2002 Steven Norquist experienced that final and irrevocable event known as Awakening. The effects of this experience and the nature of its power were described by Steven a year later in his essay entitled, “What is Enlightenment, no, I mean really, like what is it?” This challenging essay found wide circulation on the internet […]

Jim Carrey

Jim Carrey’s journey towards spiritual enlightenment marks a significant departure from his Hollywood persona. Delving into mindfulness and meditation, he embraced teachings from Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta, advocating for a detachment from ego and the illusion of self. This transformation led him to prioritize inner peace over material success, a stark contrast to his comedic […]

Leo Gura

Leo Gura is a well-known figure in the field of personal development and self-help. He is the founder of Actualized.org, a website dedicated to providing in-depth resources for individuals seeking to understand themselves and achieve personal growth. Gura is renowned for his philosophical and introspective approach to self-improvement, often delving into topics like consciousness, spirituality, […]